Masterack Ram ProMaster Safety Partions

Masterack - Commercial Vehicle Equipment

Cab Partitions can provide additional protection from sliding and shifting cargo, as well as cargo theft. Choose from Masterack’s full line of steel, lightweight composite and wire partitions. Don’t forget to add safety accessories such as first aid and reflector kits, which can be mounted to the partition for easy accessibility.


Polycarbonate Window Panels 02G485KP Polycarbonate Window Panels
02G731KP Attachment Panel – RAM ProMaster
02J178KP Tall Steel Partition Perforated
Partition With Hinged Center Door SL / HM / PR 02J180KP Tall Steel Partition w/ Hinged Door
02J181KP Tall Steel Partition w/ Hinged Door
Composite Parition - RAM ProMaster 02K123KP Composite Parition – RAM ProMaster