Available in two sizes: |
Short Bed Tool Boxes Long Bed Tool Boxes Available on 8ft models only. |
Toolboxes can be specified for driver side, passenger side, or both sides. |
A: Tool Box
B: Tool Box with Horizontal Shelf
C: Tool Box with Horizontal shelf and 1 Vertical divider
D: Tool Box with Horizontal shelf and 2 vertical dividers
E: Tool Box with Horizontal shelf and 2 vertical dividers
F: Tool Box with Horizontal shelf and 4 vertical dividers
G: Tool box with 1 Large Vertical divider
H: Tool Box with Horizontal shelf and 4 vertical dividers
I: Tool box w/large vertical divider and left side horizontal shelf
J: Tool box w/large vertical divider and right side horizontal shelf
K: Tool Box with 1 horizontal shelf with 3 vertical dividers
L: Tool Box with 2 vertical dividers
M: Tool box w/large vertical divider, right side horizontal shelf and vertical divider
N: Tool box w/large vertical divider, left side horizontal shelf and vertical divider
DCC Tool Box Options |
Toolbox headliner – DS/PS
Rubberized Non-Slip Mat for Toolbox Floor
Storage solution options |
42” Leer Parts Unit DS and PS side
48” Leer Parts Unit DS and PS side
60” Leer Part Unit DS and PS side
48” Leer Shelf Unit DS and PS side
60″ Leer Shelf Unit DS and PS side